Inlight Electrical are here to offer you and your Aylesbury premises our commercial service of a Distribution Board Upgrade. You may be wondering when and why this would be needed so let us explain. You may need to upgrade your Distribution Panel, sometimes also referred to as an electrical panel for safety, in order to manage more power, or due to it being old and outdated.
Distribution Board Upgrade - Inlight Electrical Aylesbury
Reasons to upgrade your Distribution Board
We advise on safety grounds in order to reduce the risk of a fire. With a Distribution Board Upgrade faulty circuits are able to be detected and shut down before causing any damage to the electrical system or your premises. They are also able to help prevent electric shocks from occurring.
Your Distribution Board Upgrade will also be able to manage more power due to having a higher amperage thus allowing more devices to be used without overloading the system at your Aylesbury business. Should you also be considering reducing your carbon footprint you’d be able to add a solar system too.
If you notice your circuit breakers continually tripping or fuses that keep blowing it may be due to your panel being old and outdated therefore unable to cope with the demands your premises now places upon it.
What does your Distribution Board do for you and your Aylesbury business?
A Distribution Board is essentially the heart of the electrical system in your Aylesbury business premises. It’ll split the incoming power into smaller circuits and outlets. Including fuses or circuit breakers means each circuit will be protected against faults or being overloaded. Controlling the flow of the electricity to ensure it operates your electrical installations and devices efficiently and should an emergency occur, or maintenance be required it can also easily isolate circuits too.
Where should your Distribution Board be located?
Your Distribution Board in your commercial premises should typically be located in either a hallway, cupboard, utility room or a designated electrical services room. They are required to be easily accessible and visible in the event of an emergency and kept away from any potential fire hazards. They are often found near the entrance to a building for this very reason.
How often is a Distribution Board Upgrade required?
A Distribution Board Upgrade within a commercial setting should be carried out when it is old, damaged or no longer able to cope with your Aylesbury businesses electrical needs.
Should your current board be around 20-30 years old, Inlight Electrical would suggest it’s time for an upgrade, even more so if you believe the building itself to be older still. If any damaged has occurred to the board itself this too can make it unsafe for continued use. When adding new equipment or circuits within your commercial building this can also require an upgrade. You need to ensure you are fully compliant in terms of up-to-date safety features and should any fault be occurring like a buzzing noise or sparking even then this may well be a serious sign your board is wearing away.
Distribution Board Upgrade Electrician Aylesbury
So all you Aylesbury commercial business owners out there from offices to retail units should you require a Distribution Board Upgrade then Inlight Electrical have got you covered. We specialise in the commercial sector and have years of experience in the trade. We continually strive to deliver the best quality of workmanship and customer service in Aylesbury and can assure you wherever possible we will go the extra mile for you and your business. So pick up the phone today and call us on 01296 532177.